On 19 and 20 October, the teams of the Centre for Family Type Accommodation (CFT) “Siyanie” and the Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration “Sineva” in Kyustendil visited the town of Kazanlak. The purpose of the visit was to exchange experience and practices in individual work with the users of the services provided by the Cedar Foundation in the two settlements.
The specialists from Kyustendil had the opportunity to visit both the family-type accommodation centers and the sheltered housing managed by the Foundation as well as the Center for Social Integration and Rehabilitation, the Day Center for Children with Disabilities and the Day Center for Adults with Disabilities.
The users of the social services were actively involved in welcoming the guests and in the entertainment that followed. The visit ended with a general celebration aimed at bringing the teams together and increasing motivation. The children from one of the family-type homes performed a short programme with dancing, singing and beatboxing, which was greeted with applause. The evening continued with a fun quiz, gift exchange, dancing and group photos.