Who do horses help?

Working with horses is a proven method for improving the health of people with disabilities
Motivation for mobility. A story of a beautiful partnership.

Thanks to the Motivation Romania Foundation, Fanka and Gita got new tailor-made wheelchairs
Going to work – a story about a dream come true

He was born in a small country in Eastern Bulgaria. He doesn’t know his dad, whom he is named after, and he has seen his mom only once. His whole childhood passed in one of those big and unhappy children homes for orphans, situated in a desolated village in northern Bulgaria, a place one would […]
A story about a trip to Germany, a few repaired cars and an important decision

We love it when the stories are a mix of inspiration, pride in our accomplishments and the drive for bigger achievements. Some time ago, we told you about the success of one of our boys, Hristo*, in the Best Mechanical Engineering Technician National Competition. His good performance in this competition and his strong interest in […]
On the road to independent living – the difficulties and the small big successes

This year Hristo* will finish school and will have to go his own way. He will not rely on parental support like the youngsters who grew up in a family. He won’t be able to return home on holidays and in times of need. But we believe we have given him confidence and helped him […]
An adventure changed the lives of two boys

Growing up without a family is one of the biggest challenges that you may face in life. This is how things are for Y. and S.* for whom this is how life has been since their early childhood. But despite all the storms they have been through, they don’t stop striving for a better future, […]
“If each of us unleashed their potential, the world would become a better place.”

For a second year in a row Dessie, who lives in one of our residential homes, won the scholarship of “Blagotvoritel” foundation. The scholarship is part of their campaign and is aimed at high school and university students deprived of parental care. This year participants had to write an essay with the Dalai Lama’s quote […]
A day in the life of a reporter

The Annual Meeting of the National Network for Children took place at the end of June in the town of Hisarya. George and Peter, two of the boys living in a residential home, participated and were supported by their team lead Maya Coneva. During the event, they took part in the educational panels and discussions. […]
Donate a smile

This is Danny! He is one of the children for whom we are currently raising funds in the “Bulgaria donates” campaign. He was abandoned immediately after his birth and spent the first 9 years of his life in an institution where he was diagnosed with “Severe mental retardation.” Despite his age, when he came to […]
Live it to learn it: Experiential learning camp in Stara Planina

Each of us has encountered the maxim that true knowledge derives from the immediate experience, not the experience of others. That is why we at Cedar strive to encourage the children and young people in our centers to gain knowledge and develop skills from their own experiences. We motivate them to go out of their […]