During the past few months more and more companies have transferred to the home office model and their team meetings are taking place mainly online. In these circumstances it gets more and more difficult to bond with colleagues and the morning coffee meetings are not enough to keep the team spirit and motivation high.
At the same time, social responsibility and care for those in need becomes more and more popular among the young people, who are actively working from home. This is why our team doesn’t stop searching and suggesting ideas, which will help the companies unite over a good cause, give back to the community and have fun at the same time.
This fall our team developed new ways to support disadvantaged children and young adults. We came up with ways for you to combine team building elements with charity and do it while still keeping social distance and working from home. In the spring we created a Handbook with some ideas about doing charity remotely, and now we have created a second part of the Handbook, containing even more interesting and fun ideas. In the first part of the Handbook we suggested initiatives like the Promise Auction and Lunch & Learn with the idea that soon, we will return to our offices. In the second part of the Handbook we rely on healthier and continuously remote activities, like Challenge Week and 600 000 Steps. Specifically for the upcoming Christmas holidays and hoping for a more positive new year, we added an idea for a fun and interesting company calendar.
The purpose of these Handbooks is to offer alternatives to the standard team building activities, so that they can be just as fun in an online environment. The Cedar team actively participates and moderates the different activities. And the added value of supporting a cause that matters, can bond the team even more.
To find out more about the opportunities for charity through online initiatives for your team, please contact Adriana Gotsova at adriana@cedarfoundation.org.
You can find more suggestions on organizing a team building with a cause HERE.