The Cedar Foundation was awarded second place in the Cause Campaign / Cause Project category at the annual b2b Media Awards.
Hundreds of projects competed in over 30 different categories in the ninth edition of the competition. Leading companies and causes were nominated for their outstanding achievements with the most innovative campaigns and projects.
Our traditional Annual Charity Ball won an award in the Cause Campaign category. Aneta Tsvetkova, PR expert of the Foundation, attended the ceremony and expressed her appreciation by saying, “On behalf of the Cedar Foundation, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for this award and for our work being so highly appreciated. Our core business is about providing quality care for disadvantaged children and young people and to do this we organise various charity events and campaigns. We are therefore honoured that our biggest event, our annual charity ball, has been rated so highly by the B2B Media judges. We have been organising this event for 18 years now and we bring together socially responsible businesses and individuals. In an engaging way we are able to involve them in making a difference to the environment we live in.
In 2022 our Charity Ball was held under the motto of sustainability of care and raised over 120,000 leva for children and young people deprived of parental care.
Our event this year is on 11 November and is called “Where dreams come true”. It symbolises the opportunity for the children who come to us to dream and our support on their journey towards fulfilling their dreams.
I would like to say a special thank you to our friends – Bulgaria Mall, who funded our participation in these awards and to all our partners and guests over the years. Their support contributes greatly to ensuring we provide quality care for disadvantaged children and young people.”
The Cedar Foundation was the first organisation in Bulgaria to raise funds for its social causes through a charity ball, doing so as early as 2005. To this day, this event is our organisation’s most significant fundraiser, and has become a must-attend event in the calendar of many business leaders and entrepreneurs. In addition to providing a portion of the funds needed to provide quality care for the children and youth in our family centres, the Charity Ball makes an important contribution to improving the philanthropic environment in Bulgaria. It’s a good way to attract individuals and companies to the organisation’s mission and to build a community of people who make a difference. It is no coincidence that this type of event has begun to be recognized as a successful fundraiser by other organisations and has thus proven its added value to promote the significance of philanthropy.
Traditionally, our Charity Ball is attended by over 150 guests – middle and senior management of companies, entrepreneurs, diplomats. The event is organised in partnership with businesses that provide funds or pro bono services so that all donations from the evening are invested in the organisation’s cause. Having had to run the Charity Ball in a hybrid format two years in a row and so being innovators again, in 2022 our team faced new challenges. The crises of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, combined with the political instability in the country, led to a serious decline in giving to non-crisis causes. Moreover, due to the hybrid format in the previous two years, our team had not had the opportunity to maintain live contact with our donors, and this is an important part in building a community of supporters. Therefore, we took a new approach in attracting guests to the event and this ingenuity contributed to reaching a new audience in an innovative way. And to reinforce its position as an innovator, the Foundation also implemented a new donation mechanism that was used in Bulgaria for the first time.
Our Charity Ball also provides a good opportunity for networking between business leaders, socially responsible individuals and people who believe that their actions can be a catalyst for change. But most of all, it is the event that for 18 years now has managed to bring people together to solve social problems and become part of a community with one mission – to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged people in Bulgaria.