120 Roses of Friendship in Kazanlak

On June 3, just before the last day of the Rose Festival in Kazanlak, we met with people from the community and guests of the town in an art workshop we organized in the Rosarium Park. The weather was very nice, and both children and adults were interested and willing to join in the making of paper roses.

The event was organized with the support of Kazanlak Municipality. Our goal was to promote our work in the town, to meet the children and young people we care for with children from the local community and to make together 120 roses of friendship which symbolize the support of society to vulnerable children. This public workshop shows that only with joint efforts between the local community, NGOs, and authorities, disadvantaged people will have a dignified and fair life.

Many of the visitors to the workshop got to know our team and expressed their support for our work and understanding of the importance of caring together for the most vulnerable in our community. The children who took part in the workshop showed their ability to quickly master origami making and created beautiful roses together with the children from our family-type centers. There were children who were so proud that they made the paper roses themselves, that they decided to keep them.

Since 2005 we have been cooperating with Kazanlak Municipality in supporting children and young people with disabilities and deprived of parental care. Our team works hard to provide them with quality care and willingly participates in all local events and initiatives.


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