Past campaigns

Run for the children

Run for the children

Legionnaires in support of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Programme for children and young people with disabilities

For the second consecutive year, Cedar Foundation and Legion run are joining efforts in raising funds for our physical therapy and rehabilitation program for children and youth with severe physical disabilities. This is a long-term project for our children and youths through which we aim to improve their physical and mental well-being  and reduce the discomfort and the muscle pain through regular massage and exercise. 

This program requires a sustainable partnership just like the one we were able to build with  Legion Run over the past two years. We learned from each other and helped each other build new corporate partners, to strengthen friendships, and overcome obstacles together – both physical and metaphorical. 

Close to 10,000 is needed annually to provide therapeutic massage and rehabilitation to over 20 children and young people with severe physical disabilities. With the purchase of a single charity ticket, each participant donates BGN 20. This amount will be doubled by Legion Run and thus 40 leva of the ticket price will be donated to our physiotherapy and rehabilitation program.

Smiles and soggy clothes, mud, sun and unexpected friendships. All this is part of the Legion run experience. But this is not all that Legion run is about. It is also about people united by the desire to share a moment, to think about and help someone in need. Someone for whom obstacles are a daily occurrence and every step is a battle won. 

Sign up to participate now! 

Our Legion departs at 1:20 pm on 8 July 2023, but you can buy your charity ticket for any other starting time.

For assistance with your tickets contact our colleague Kiril at

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